Look out your window. You see those clouds?
Those aren't clouds.
They're really just alien battleships from another galaxy, cleverly disguised as clouds so they can monitor our every move, and our very way of life. They've always been there, they always will be, because you see... by watching us for so long, they have learned it best not to get entangled with the human race if they can avoid it. They know better; they saw the Alien Autopsy tape, they know we have a fascination with conspiracy theories and area 51, and they know that to touch down and introduce themselves would cause never ending chaos and violence... something we humans seem to be truly adept to causing at the drop of a hat for some reason.
So just sit back, continue with your lives like there's really nothing going on. And the next time you go cloud gazing, just remember... it may not be a coincedance that that one particular cloud just so happens to look like a bunny rabbit.
I knew it all along.